We have the pleasure to organize the Third Aquality Symposium from 4 to 8 March 2019 in the context of the European Marie Curie ITN project Aquality. The programm includes three times
4-5 March: International Winter School on Mass Spectrometry
This Winterschool is addressed to both consortium members and students of the Aquality European project as well as members of the French mass spectrometry community. The first part of it will be dedicated to fundamentals of mass spectrometry: sources and analyzers principles of operation, advantages and drawbacks. The second part will focus on recent developments such as new statistical approaches to extract pertinent information from complex mass spectra-related big data, ion mobility, imaging and mass spectrometry in coupling with bi-dimensional chromatography. Lastly, applications mainly related to environmental issues will be presented (cloud analysis, river pollution diagnosis, etc.). This Winterschool intends to provide a general overview of the various possibilities offered by modern mass spectrometry for non-specialist attendees. It also intends to provide innovative solutions for members of our scientific community dealing with specific analytical challenges.
The preliminary program gathers 6 plenary lectures and 9 oral presentations. Poster sessions are also scheduled.
6 March: Prioritisation of emerging contaminants in Urban Wastewater (Prioritisation of emerging contaminants in Urban Wastewater (INERIS)
7-8 March: Mid-Term Check and ThirdAQUAlity Meeting
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N. 765860.
Winter School on Mass Spectrometry is funded by :